World Class Employer Experience

Efficient candidate delivery with up to 75% reduction in commercial downtime, saving time, money and management disruption!

Next-Level Candidate Matching

Our HireSource 360 TM Platform shortlists only scientifically matched candidates who fit your criteria, streamlining the hiring process.

Superior Hiring Outcomes

The quality of your hiring process affects your outcomes! HireSource 360 TM delivers a 96% one-year retention rate for all new hires.
HireSource 360 TM  Talent Integration

Imagine hiring…
RIGHT person,  The FIRST time, 

  • Experience new employee retention rates of 96%!
  • Up to 12-month FREE replacement guarantee!
  • Avoid “bad hire” costs that can reach 3.5x of salary!

Tired of These Common Hiring Headaches?

Recruiting and staffing in healthcare can be difficult, and the hiring process can be overwhelming. It can be expensive for facilities to manage and can result in runaway costs and worse outcomes if inefficiencies are present. It may seem like finding qualified candidates is impossible, but it is not. Successful hiring relies on the processes and methods used from the beginning.

Not Enough Candidates?

You don’t necessarily need more candidates, just the RIGHT candiates.

Unqualified Candidates?

HireSource 360 shortlists ONLY qualied psychometrically assesed matches!

Too Much Wasted Time?

Stop wasting time interviewing candidates who are not job-matched scientifically!

Interviewed well, bad performer?

Gain insight into “future-fit” & candidate performance before you hire! 

Employee Left After 4 Months?

HireSource 360 reports 96% retention rates after 1st year work anniversary!

New Hire Not Fitting In Well?

Know a candidate’s scientific culture-fit likelyhood BEFORE you hire them!

Talent Triage: Next-Gen Recruitment

“Talent Triage: Next-Gen Hospital Recruitment” – A Free Survival Guide to Overcoming Recruitment Challenges in Small to Midsized Hospitals.
  • The 3 obstacles you must overcome in the new “free-agency” healthcare market!
  • The core problems that makes hiring in healthcare such a challenge!
  • How to move from surviving to THRIVING and start building transformation into your hiring plan

Employers, Do You Need Recruiting Help?

Healthcare Employers – book a free 30-minute consultation today and let’s talk.